METIS - Defense and Logistics Agency
A product I led and designed as a solo UI/UX designer. This product was created to allow the Defense and Logistics Agency the ability to use AI to quickly generate accurate and up to date reports about current events that were tailored to their needs.
The Problem
DLA (Defense and Logistics Agency) requested a product that would be able to use AI technology to quickly generate SITREPS (Situation reports) for employees to stay up to date with current events, and any situations that would have an impact on their daily workload. How May We.. 1) Create a product that shows relevant articles of interest based on the user? 2) Create a product that can use AI and convert it into a report?
Wireframes for the intial designs. Wireframes were somewhat based off of actual news websites, like the associated press, times, etc.
Final Solution
Final product - named METIS
METIS allows the user to both generate a new SITREP based off of their own needs - while also giving them the flexibility to search from existing SITREPs other users have generated, and current events. By working with both front and back end developers as well as data experts I was able to design a product that could fulfill all of the what if statements that I went into the product trying to solve.