Vtuber Logo Designs
Various logos I was trusted to do for multiple Vtubers in 2023
Logo designs for various Vtubers (Virtual YouTubers) and Vtuber companies. These logos are often more fantastical and often need to be highly detailed to set the client apart from the thousands of others in the streaming sphere with similar key symbols, etc. Compared to traditional design logos - they're more similar to spot illustrations. It is crucial that the logos are able to be looked at and say "That's (insert vtuber) here!" and not get them confused with another streamer.
The Process
I start out all of my logos with asking questions to the client. "Who are you?" "What do you want your logo to say, make people feel?" "What are must haves?" etc. Because these are Vtubers it is really important to also ask them for any background stories or lore they have written for their personas. I also ask them visually what are the most distinguishable features of their designs that they have. These help capture the overall moods, and tones they will want to convey as they create content.
I then go to the drawing board and begin to iterate on their logo. Often it is really a stream of consciousness - I already have a rough concept that I want to bring to life based off of my background research with the client. I typically do 5 initial sketches to present to the client - and will continue to build and iterate until we get a sketch that we feel can be locked in for final.
I then build the logo in illustrator as a solid color form first. I feel this helps to ensure readability as much as is possible. It is important to note that because of the nature of Vtuber logos (higher complexity, intricacy, etc.) - readability is less important at smaller sizes since many of these creators do not and will not use the logo in a typical manner (print, merchandise, small size, etc.)
Once the solid render is approved I then move to coloring and do roughly 3 color drafts to present to the client. Once the final color render is ready I export it out to the client in various formats for them.
Final Product
Once completed the client receives their files!
Sometimes I add on fun explorations, explaining why I made the choices I did, etc. I find that it helps me a lot and set's my work for people aside and makes it more meaningful and specially tailored to the client's needs.